You don’t approach business like a lawyer, you use law like a business.
For nearly twenty years we focused exclusively on restructuring and review, honing-in on where our clients veered off track and creating a new path to sustainability and growth. Whether through unforeseen economic shifts or an inopportune over-extension, we have seen remarkable success reviewing the client’s process, identifying the stress points, and supporting, adjusting, or refining, both methodologies and how they are implemented.
Then, beginning in 2003, we expanded our practice, and began to apply that experience and knowledge, all we learned from restructuring clients, to structuring them – their formation, governance, and compliance. We equip our clients through choosing the corporate form that best suits them, then build a governance shield that offers the vital tools, process, and protocols to face each operational challenge and any compliance review or encounter.

Our curious inquiry, without preconceptions and with nothing off-limits, sparks innovation and begins a process of reimagination . . . of place, of pathways, of goals. In the course of this review, we have worked with clients to replace manufacturing facilities, staffing, even industrial kitchen cutting boards and logging roads to achieve the client’s goal. We have worked to align or modify product controls, designs, markets, supply chains, and colors, all to cultivate client growth and depth.

Our approach was best summed up by a client, stating “you don’t approach business like a lawyer, you use law like a business.”
The breadth of our industry experience matches our global reach. We have been involved in acquisition, divesture, governance, operational guidance, start-up, formation, and restructuring (including bankruptcy matters) for clients in a wide range of sectors, including aviation, entertainment, eyewear, financial services, hospitality, logging, manufacturing, non-profits, publishing, retail, shipping, technology/innovation, and telecommunications. Our non-profit clients include churches, educational services, humane societies, ministries, orphanages, and unauthorized townships (a/k/a shantytowns).
Legal Services Provided by Archer

After several years focused on restructuring businesses, and litigating the issues that predicated the need to do so, Archer learned through experience what so commonly befell businesses and used that experience to re-envision how companies can be structured, using its very operational foundations and contractual relationships as a defense to external economic pressures.

Archer offers operational analysis and adjustment, if, where, and as needed. Sometimes the process can be as basic as asking “why.” We bring our unique perspective to openly and honestly review our clients’ creation and enactment methods and suggest alternative processes that can make all the difference. By working with our clients, gaining an understanding of the industry...

We are often asked to step into a case after judgment, or after a final decisional step has been completed to obtain a result more in line with the client’s initial hopes or expectations. We have extensive appellate experience, in California and Massachusetts state Courts, as well as federal courts within in the 1st, 2nd, and 9th Circuits, including the Bankruptcy Appellate Panel...