We provide significant protection when the unexpected arise.
After several years focused on restructuring businesses, and litigating the issues that predicated the need to do so, Archer learned through experience what so commonly befell businesses and used that experience to re-envision how companies can be structured, using its very operational foundations and contractual relationships as a defense to external economic pressures.

Archer includes predictive, anticipatory resolutions, contract terms, and business protocols that address the very types of issues that have devastated our clients’ competitors, creating stronger, more productive enterprises. From first day corporate resolutions to defining, implementing, and refining employment responsibilities, to streamlining operations, to creating tangible performance matrices for C-level executives, Archer works with our clients to build sustainable, viable, and supple businesses, designed to withstand that which others cannot.
Mindful of the economics, Archer looks holistically at each client. A tug-at-the-thread philosophy, Archer sees every department, every employee, every goal as integral to the process and to the solution.
In a charity, setting forth with clarity its procedures, processes, and protocols and functioning within those detailed operational limits is often the bulwark that protects that charity against an IRS audit or governmental inquiry. Broadly defining a charitable purpose or operational sphere allows the fruitful elasticity necessary for the charity to grow into its best path to service to its community and constituents.
In the entertainment business, a grateful newcomer can quickly become a demanding divo or diva and as quickly a hungry has been, and their view of the contract is driven more by what may be next than the right now. Drafting into their expectations, understanding how a differing perspective can so radically change perception, by providing decisive reassurance of terms and obligations can assuage the talent at signing and demarcate their options should circumstances change.
In a restaurant, when and how chips are fried, sandwiches are made, orders are taken, conveyed, and completed, how and when product is delivered to satellite operations all work together to impact the bottom line and the quality of the product offered. Shave pennies per shift, per task, per employee and add literally hundreds of thousands of dollars or more to the annual bottom line. Create and market that quality and the customer base is expanded, its interests peaked. To a micro-cap or small-cap company, that move from break-even to profitable, to resilient, adds sustainable value to stock and provides security to the families that daily rely on its growth and viability.

In negotiating a stadium or arena as a venue for an event, understanding the costs of the site are no more important than the unrestricted presentation of the event, or the costs of cancelling and the passing of the risk of loss. Anticipating and drafting to the possible can provide significant protection to the client should the seemingly unexpected arise.